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Philosophical sciences

Kozhevnikova M. N. The problem of the "indefinite" in the philosophical and anthropological context
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.001

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Balakshin A. S., Zelenov L. A. Heuristic potential of the "universum" category
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.002

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Volferts M. V.., Cherdantseva I. V., Lukin-Grigoriev V. V. "The other – object" as a subject level of communication between a doctor and a patient
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.003

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Pedagogical sciences

Kalinin S. I. On the quality of the presentation of methodological materials on convex functions to the reader in a number of published works
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.004

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Kekeeva Z. O., Abdiraimova E. K. Formation of the reading culture of students – future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education in Kazakhstan
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.005

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Zavodchikova N. I., Bykova I. A., Burakova G. Yu. Transformation of requirements for building a bank of methodological tasks in the context of digitalization of teacher education
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.006

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Smirnova S. V. Analysis of the evolution of the context of the use of the concept of "multidimensionality" in connection with the phenomenology of educational reality
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.007

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Demshina N. V. The principle of "complementary" interactivity in the development of students' semantic perception of information when working with an electronic textbook
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.008

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Psychological sciences

Maralov V. G., Maralova T. P. Psychological determinants of the differentiation of attitudes towards people on the principle of "friend-stranger"
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.009

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Gurieva S. D., Vinogradova Ya. E. Social concepts of the phenomenon of betrayal: analysis of the structure and content in different age groups
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.010

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Shchukina M. A., Garanzha A. V. Chat-counseling in a crisis psychological service for teenagers
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.011

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Belobrykina O. A. Descriptors of the perceptions of adolescents at risk of deviant behavior about honesty
doi: 10.25730/VSU.7606.21.012

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About time, pedagogy and about myself... Interview with Vyatka State University, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V. B. Pomelov
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