Problems of national history
Akmanov A. I., Yarmullin A. Sh. Military activity of the representative office of the Autonomous Bashkir Soviet Republic at the Central Executive Committee in 1919–1920
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.044
Vasilkova V. A. Nuclear energy of the USSR in the period of detente of international tension: an instrument of economic and political integration?
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.045
Korshunkov V. A. "He shouted that there is not enough gravel": repairing roads in Vyatka province in the 18th–19th centuries
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.046
Trushkova I. Yu., Titova E. I. Old believers' communities of the Kirov region during the Great Patriotic War
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.047
Kantimirova R. I., Pavlova O. S. Experience of interaction between Zemstvo district chiefs and the volost court: based on the materials of the Ufa province
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.048
Problems of general history
Antonova L. V., Dronova N. V. British militarism and society: the experience of military exhibitions 1901 in London
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.049
Vasilyeva A. Yu. The development of transport infrastructure and the emergence of the tourism industry in the UK in the XIX century
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.050
Zvorygin A. A. Social perception of Russia in the framework of the genesis of the Confederate Polish state
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.051
Shishov N. Yu. The policy of the Hungarian government against the ethnic Hungarian communities in the period of 2010–2020
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.052
Issues of historiography
Novikov M. V., Perfilova T. B. M. M. Hvostov: ascent to the heights of scientific and professional activity
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.053
Tihomirov N. V. The problem of international relations in the concept of the Russian state in the Russian historiography of the 1930s – early 1950s.
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.054
Philological sciences
Gorelov O. S. The principle of experimentation in the surreal code: the problem of the surreal image and the phenomenon of experience.
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.055
Markov A. V. Italian art in the poetry of Josephine Pasternak
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.056
Bel’sky I. O.The concept of sacrifice in the system of images in the novels of Pierre Boileau and Tom Narcejac
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.057
Yapishina A. E. Visual and graphic features of the text in the book of poems by E. Mnatsakanova "New Arcadia"
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.20.058