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Editior's column

Yungblud V. T., Smolnyak I. V. To the readers
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.001


Problems of domestic history

Niskovskaya M. I. Political agitation in the newspaper  "For Intinsk coal" of Intinsk correctional labor camp
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.002

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Chernysheva N. V., Chernyshev K. A. Planned agricultural resettlement of residents of the Kirov region in the second half of the 1930s-early 1940s.
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.003

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Kuznecov M. Yu. Irkutsk local brigade during the Russian-Japanese war 1904–1905
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.004

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Zonov K. S. Features of political work with conscripts in the red army  in 1924–1925 (on the materials of Vyatka province)
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.005

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Klepikov V. V. Norms and anomalies of everyday life of the Ural province  of the 1980s in the mirror of newspaper criticism  (on the materials of the newspaper "Severnaya Zvezda"  ("The North Star") of the Cherdyn district of the Perm region)
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.006


Problems of general history

Mishchenko N. S. The relationship Between R. Reagan and F. Mitterrand: contradictions and consensus (1981–1989)
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.007


Problems of archeology and ethnography

Belavin A. M., Vyatkin V. V. Letters of A. A. Spitsyn to F. A. Teploukhov in the state archive of Perm Krai
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.008

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Vladimirov N. V., Egorov A. V. The study of the cultural layer of the XVII-XIX centuries during the archaeological work in 2009–2017
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.009


Philological sciences

Bukharov V. M., Baykova O. V., Obukhova O. N. Evolution of linguistic and cultural markers of German language  identity on the Crimean Peninsula
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.010

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Mosunova L. A. The Orthodox book in the aspect of its influence on Russian literature
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.011


Reviews and scientific life

Vorobyova Т. А. Historians against the background of changing eras: "iron age" as a subject of historiography
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.012

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Kaishin A. O. Meanings of the Vyatka chronicle
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.013


From the history of education

Pomelov V. B. School of the Kirov region in the prewar years
doi: 10.25730/VSU.2070.19.014

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