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Requirements for materials | Scientific publishing VSUThe English version of the site is under reconstruction. Английская верcия сайта находится на реконструкции.

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Herald of Vyatka State University 2(152) 2024

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Herald of Humanitarian Education 4(36)2024

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№1 (2020)

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Requirements for materials

Requirements for materials

Scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal must conform the general direction of the publication. Editorial board accepts manuscripts in the following form:
1. Technical requirements for preparation of articles

General requirements

Article in Word or RTF format (the file should be named with surname of the author. For example, Иванов.doc or Ivanov.rtf)

Settings of page

Text line spacing – 1,5. Font-size: 14; notes, list of literature, tables — 12. Times New Roman Font. Margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, left — 2 cm, right — 2 cm, gutter – 0. Pages are numbered

Preparation of the article

The text begins with the indication of the author, his name (in full, in Russian and English), position, place of work (study), work address, email address. Next is the title of the article in Russian and English languages. UDC index is mandatory.

Abstract of the article, key words

The abstract is written in Russian and English languages – at least 100 words each, (placed directly before the text), key words in Russian and English.


References to the literature in the text are given in square brackets. Eg.: This issue has already been addressed by linguists [1]. Footnotes as endnotes in order of citation, in the form of NOTES. Literature is specified at the end of the article under the heading NOTES. Further the literature is stated under the numbers in order of citation in the text of the article. The author, source, page, etc. are stated in accordance with GOST 7.1–2003. Bibliographic record the bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of drafting (prior to 1 January 2009); GOST 7.05–2008 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of dragting (1 January 2009).


Figures should be placed in the text of the article and are applied to the article as separate files (jpg format.). Using of scanning is forbidden, also  drawings are of poor quality are unacceptable.


Word format

Mathematical and physical formulas

MS Equation Editor

Brief data on the materials (on the separate sheet in a table)

1. Author's name (in full). 2. Title of the article. 3.UDC. 4. Academic degree (if available), position, Department, University. 5. Work address for publication in the journal. 6. E-mail, home address to send the journal, cell phone.

2. The text volume should not exceed 16 pages (including bibliography, without abstract and keywords) and should not be less than 7 pages. If necessary, the hard copy is attached (hard copy required if in the text there are formulas, custom fonts, drawings). If the optional font is used, it should be applied to the main document.
3. Information about the author (authors): surname, name, patronymic of author (authors) in full; scientific degree, academic degree of the author (authors), Department, University; contact information: work address for publication in the journal; E-mail, home address for mailing, cellular phone.
4. Graduate students need to provide proof of full-time graduate student status (scanned copy).
5. The authors of submitted materials are responsible for the selection and accuracy of facts, quotations, economic and statistical data, proper names, geographical names. The submitted materials must be original and not previously published in other publications.
6. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial (not changing the meaning) changes in the original text. In case of refusal of reviewing the author's manuscript, the editorial board sends the author a reasoned response.
A list of documents to submit articles:
1. Article in Word format, prepared according to the model and requirements.
2. The review of the supervisor, consultant or expert in this field of knowledge, Candidate or Doctor of Sciences (scanned copy)
3. Extract from the protocol of the Department meeting about the recommendation for publication (scanned copy)
4. For full-time graduate students – certificate from the graduate school (scanned copy)
5. The contract of the author (is sent to the author after approval of the article for publication)