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Herald of Vyatka State University 4(150) 2023

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№1 (2020)

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Nizovskikh Nina Arkadievna

Division: Department of practical psychology of the Faculty of pedagogy and psychology of the pedagogical Institute of VyatSU

Position: Professor


Address: office 332, 198 Lenin str., 610007, Kirov (Department of practical psychology)

Phone numbers: 8 (8332) 742-588   +7 912 735 48 77


Doctor of psychology

N. A. Nizovskikh was born on the 5 April 1957 in the village of Cobra in Darovskoy district of Kirov region


1975 graduated from the Slobodskoy teacher training college of the Kirov region

1981 graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute n.a. V. I. Lenin, specialty - pedagogy and psychology (preschool)

1994 graduated from postgraduate school in the Department of educational psychology in Moscow State Pedagogical University n.a. V. I. Lenin


 Labour activity

1975-1983 - Educator, methodologist (kindergarten № 83, № 7 of Kirov)

1983 – 1987 - Lecturer of teacher training college of the Kirov (Kirov)

1989 -1993 - Senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy and psychology of the Kirov State Pedagogical Institute n.a. V. I. Lenin

1994 - Defense of the PhD dissertation at the RAE Institute of personality development (Moscow)

1998 - associate professor of the Department of pre-school pedagogy and psychology of Vyatka State Pedagogical University

1999 - Head of the Department of practical psychology of Vyatka State Pedagogical University

2002-2006 - Senior researcher, associate professor of the Department of practical psychology of Vyatka State Pedagogical University

2006 - Head of the Department of practical psychology of Vyatka State Humanitarian University

2010 - defense of doctoral dissertation at Moscow State Pedagogical University

2015 – present time - Professor of the Department of practical psychology of Vyatka State University


Scientific activity

Author of more than 130 scientific and educational works (including two monographs; one textbook (co-authored; with the stamp of Scientific and Methodical Association); articles in publications indexed in the databases of Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI, recommended by Higher Attestation Commitee, etc.).

Head of postgraduate training in the specialty 19.00.01 - General psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology.

Head of the master's program "Psychology of personality".

She is the head of the research supported by the grant of RFBR №16-36-00021 "Diagnostics of the potential competitiveness of high school students in the framework of career counseling" (2016-2018).

Initiator and organizer of all-Russian scientific and practical conferences with international participation "Psychology of human self-development" (Kirov, 2008, 2011, 2014); participant of International conferences (South Africa, 2013; France, 2014; Italy, 2015; Netherlands, 2017).


Public activity

Member of the Coordination Council of the Russian Psychological Society; Chairman of the Kirov regional branch of The Russian psychological society (since 2011).

Executive secretary of the journal "Herald of humanitarian education"(since 2015); editor-in-chief of the journal "Herald of Vyatka State University" (since 2018).

Member of the Expert Council on the application of legislation on advertising at the Kirov Department of Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (since 2012)


Total work experience is 37 years, including scientific and pedagogical experience - 28 years.


Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2009).

Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "For the management of research work of students" (2016).